Latest updates and improvements to DocuBook
Now looks more modern and clean which is a big change in layout and design
- Social footer
- Toggle group
- Site description {meta.description} in footer
- Site title {meta.title} in footer
- Header design changes
- Footer design changes
- New functions in theme provider
- Object changes in docu.json
- Updates to path structure components
- Groups to organize components
Remove the old function in the search dialog and replace it with a new and more optimal feature
- Up and down navigation : search dialog.tsx
- Enter (return) to select : search dialog.tsx
- Escape to close the dialog : search dialog.tsx
- Maintenance for anchor components
- Anchor.tsx adjustments for all elements that use it
- Remove suboptimal search features
New Feature Card Groups with arrays for more Flexible Content
- Card Groups Components
- Props : href to url link
- Props : horizontal boolean
- Card props styling
- Compability for Cards components
- {children} support for card content
- remove unused props cards components
Minor Update - improved features and responsiveness on all devices
- New dialog footer on searchbox above @media 768px
- Icon X for close dialog on searcbox as esc on medium screen
- Responsive Leftbar components on large screen
- Menu Trigger on medium screen
- Responsive Navbar components on medium screen
- Better UX for searchbox dialog
- tooltips components can be written together with regular paragraphs
- Responsive issue
- Compatibility for Bun
- Changes postcss.config.js to .cjs for Bun
- all CLI installer and updater not working
- adjustments for package managers npm, pnpm, bun, yarn
Complex Content for Accordion Component props {children}
- New Props with {children} in accordion
- Compatibility for markdown in accordion
- Nested components inside an accordion
- New icon on note components
- add CLI npx @docubook/create@latest
- +1 more improvements
- Better UI design for accordion
- Styling Note components on markdown
- Change accordion output on playground
- Change accordion output on snippet
- Remove depcreated props on accordion
- Remove CLI npx update_docu
- Remove CLI npx create_docu
Floating Button Version with Dynamic Tag {version} on Changelog page
- New components / changelog floating-version.tsx
- Button popover to open version-toc below @media 1024px
- Dynamic tag by section ID #version
- Dynamic url tag #version
- Dynamic version indicator on floating version when scrolling section by ID
- change icon version history
- responsive version-toc
- improvement components to changelog page
Responsive Table of Content
- Components terminal MagicUI
- Components card Shadcn
- New mob-toc for a better experience on mobile devices
- New Components scroll to top button
- Scroll to top :blog-post
- +1 more improvements
- lib/markdown for generated dynamic toc on markdown
- Responsive Table of Content below @media 1024px
- Improve docs page
Appears more modern editor for Docu Play

- Line Number for editor
- editor.css
- Better Design for Editor
- Similar to Github Editor
- Moved Handler Element (copy, download, reset and fullscreen) on Header
it's Easy to Write Markdown with Playground

- New Playground Page
- New Playground Layout
- Toolbar for Markdown Components
- Fullscreen Mode to Focus Editing Your Content
- Copy to Clipboard Your Content
- +3 more improvements
Snippet Feature to Easily Write Markdown and Call DocuBook Components

- New Feature Snippet for Markdown Components
- Support Snippet for Visual Studio Code
- remove props icon and props description for accordion components
Release Note Feature to Make it Easier to Write Changelogs
- New Release Note Feature
- New Layout for Changelog page
- New Changelog page
- Add Release Note Component
- Easily write release notes directly from the file
- +3 more improvements
- Improvement Responsive feature image for Version Entry
- Improvement Layout for changelog page
- Improvement Padding on mobile devices
- Only use containers of md size
- Improvement syntax.css for ul>li classes
- Fix og:image not showing on Page.tsx
- Fix text-indent on class li
- Remove excessive padding
- Remove Logo on Footer
New Accordion Component : Support content plain text, html and all markdown component
- add New Accordion
- Props Improvement
- Support Dynamic Content for Accordion
Minor Update : Easily manage set up with docu.json
- add docu.json file
- add openGraph (title, description, image)
- add Dynamic metadata
- Generate metadata as openGraph
- openGraph support for .mdx
- routes-config from json
- Frontmatter improvement
- Edit the content of footer.tsx simply via the docu.json file
- Edit the content of navbar.tsx simply via the docu.json file
Easily updates your DocuBook Version with CLI npx update_docu
- CLI npx update_docu (update features into docubook existing directory)
- Playground (easily to written content)
- New Button component
- Navbar external link conditions
- CLI npx create_docu
- Searchbar Improvement
- Navigation Improvement
- Edit on Github Improvement
- Remove CLI npx create-docu (on this version not usage dash `-`)
New Components, Fix and Improvement
- New Card component
- New Tooltips component
- change root folder
- logo on navbar & footer
- easily change logo
Add New Features and Improvement for this version
- New Youtube component
- edit this page - easily manage directory content via the github repo
- support installation via cli commant npx create-docu
- keyboard shortcut command + k or ctrl + k to open search dialog
Initial release of DocuBook to create interactive nested docs with MDX
- Initial release of DocuBook
- Basic documentation structure
- Markdown support with MDX
- Responsive design
- Search functionality
- +1 more improvements