Quick Start Guide

This section provides an overview of Quick Start Guide.

Follow these simple instructions to set up your project efficiently and begin creating content without delay!:


  1. Configure Routing

    • Open the @lib/route-config.ts file and add your routing pages:
      export const ROUTES: EachRoute[] = [
        // Add new route below
          title: "Fundamentals",
          href: "/fundamentals",
          noLink: true, // Set to true to prevent routing
          items: [
            // All the sub-sections under `fundamentals`
            { title: "HTTP Server", href: "/http-server" },
  2. Create Content Structure

    • Navigate to the @content/docs directory and create a folder named fundamentals, as defined in the route-config file. Within this folder, create a subfolder named http-server, and inside that, create an index.mdx file that will render when you navigate to /fundamentals/http-server:
      ├── content/docs
      │   └── fundamentals
      │       └── http-server
      │           └── index.mdx
  3. Write Your Markdown Content

    • Start writing your markdown content inside the index.mdx file. Be sure to include frontmatter at the beginning of the file, which is used for the page title and description:

      title: HTTP Server
      description: This section is about HTTP Server.
      <!-- Here goes your markdown content -->
  4. Run Your Application

    • Ensure your application is running. Navigate to http://localhost:3000/docs/fundamentals/http-server to view your content. You should also see it in the left panel, allowing you to navigate to other pages.


To get started with blogs, follow these steps:

  • Navigate to the @content/blogs directory and create a file with a unique name prefixed with .mdx, then start writing the markdown content inside.

  • Make sure to add the following frontmatter to format data for the blogs properly:

    title: "Building a Recursive File System with React: A Deep Dive"
    description: "Explore how to create a recursive file system in React. This blog post provides a comprehensive guide on building a file system where folders and files can be nested, added, renamed, and deleted."
    date: 02-09-2024
      - avatar: "https://ui.shadcn.com/avatars/02.png"
        handle: nisabmohd
        username: Nisab Mohd
        handleUrl: "https://github.com/nisabmohd"
    cover: "https://img.freepik.com/premium-vector/many-monsters-various-colors-doodle-come-bless-birthday-happy_577083-84.jpg?w=826"
    <!-- Your blog markdown content -->
  • Navigate to your local development server at http://localhost:3000/blog, where you will see your blog listed and sorted based on date. You can navigate to any blog to read it.

Explore Further

This section serves as your starting point for exploring the application. By following the steps above, you can quickly and easily set up your content. For more customization and control, please refer to the following pages.

Published on Nov 29, 2024